Deep learning is something that can be difficult to keep up with. It is an area of technology that is constantly growing and improving, so you need to be able to keep up. Knowing what the future holds for deep learning can help.
First, let’s look at what deep learning is. It’s essentially learning done by AI or artificial intelligence. The AI is able to learn without being fed ordered data. Instead, it takes unstructured, random data and learns from this. It’s called deep neural learning and is something that is rapidly improving. AI is now able to look over social media, search engine results, and ecommerce sites to sort through the information and then turn it into something that humans can comprehend.
As deep learning improves, it becomes better and increases its virtual knowledge, then builds on that by improving analysis. The end result is basically a smart technology that gives you all the information you need in one place. It organizes what you need to know, but could never truly comprehend because there is just too much data for the human mind to get through it all.
As the technology is constantly improving itself and increasing what it knows, it makes sense that the future of AI and deep learning will be very different from what it is now. After all, it’s growing rapidly and will soon outpace what we know.
Deep Compression May Become a Thing
Deep compression can reduce the amount of space an app or program uses on a laptop or phone. With apps and files rapidly growing in size, it is becoming necessary to reduce the amount of space they take up. There are a lot of options available for AI, but AI apps tend not to work on phones, due to how much room they require, not to mention computing power.
You can expect deep compression to become a thing in the near future. This will allow information to be compressed much like a JPEG. The end result will be something that is 550 MB being reduced to 10 MB more or less. This will allow the AI apps to work on nearly any phone.
Facial Recognition and Tracking
No one likes to think about it, but facial recognition is part of the world we live in at this point. It’s already used in a few applications and has seen some pretty bad press lately, but it’s growing. Just consider how Facebook lets you know that you may appear in a photo so you can tag yourself in it. Some phones already use a facial recognition as a security feature.
All of this will soon be bigger and better. You’ll probably see it in shopping soon and likely in advertising. Machines will easily determine who has interests in what and will then direct them with highly targeted ads. It may even be possible to see ads directed at you while out in public, as advertising cameras catch your face and personalize the marketing campaigns that you see.
Making Predictions
With deep learning, it’s possible to process huge amounts of data in such a short period of time that AI is able to make predictions quickly. There are the weather predictions, of course, which we rely on to determine what to wear each day, but it’s far more than this.
Marketing and sales predictions are infinitely more useful and give companies a goal to aim for. If a certain product is predicted to do well in the coming year, for example, the company might roll out products related to that one. There are many ways to use the information, but essentially, you want to make sure that you have accurate data for the machine to predict what could happen in the next few months.
AI Ethics
We’ve all heard about the three laws of robotics, but what about when it comes to ethics and AI? After all, the machines can learn like humans at this point, picking up data that even people can’t compute properly. That puts quite a bit of power in the AI’s “hands.”
As artificial intelligence continues to become more intelligent, it’s likely that we will see more legislation worked up specifically for these issues. For example, there may be new laws put into place to determine who is at fault if something goes wrong due to an AI system. It’s also going to be very important that companies are transparent about how they are using the data that is collected from those using their platforms. It is also quite likely that the government will eventually get involved to avoid ethical issues.
Artificial Intelligence Blending Into Other Tech
We’re already seeing more and more blends of technology. It’s likely that we’ll see some improvements in this area in the near future. For example, AI blended with IoT (internet of things)and Blockchain is already being worked on.
Things like self-driving vehicles, path planning, and natural language processing are a couple of things that require the merging of technology with AI and there will only be more of this in the future. There are already precedents for this and there will be more in the future.
The future of deep learning is rapidly approaching. We’re already seeing so many impressive changes that you never know what might be coming. We can only guess.